
Selamat Pagi..... akhirnya postinganku yang terjadwalkan muncul juga .... Nih sobat saya dapat tugas lagi dari Dosen Bahasa Inggris ter cantik dari semua dosenku (coz semuanya dosen cowok yang cewek dia aja) masih bersama Miss Oshie Leslie. sekarang Saya diberi film lagi dengan mere view lagi. oh no

Tapi   Yang Buat ku semangat kemarin aku dapat pujian kalau tulsannya bagus. katanya aku penulis ya memang penulis blog.  

Mengapa aku jadwalkan terbit hari ini?? karena hari ini jam sekitar jam ini tugas ini dikumpulkan. ini membuktikan aku gak copas and repost. semoga hasilnya memuaskan. walaupun tata bahasanya  amburadul maaf. selamat menikmati.


This Story begins from one family who like Climbed. They are Climber. Peter Garret, his dad and his sister Annie. Peter Garret is a wildlife photographer. Peter retired from climber because his father  fall off a cliff face and plummet to his death in order to save his sister's and his own life. But peter to be a climber and wildlife photographer again and Annie be a famous climber and will climb K2 in Pakistan. K2 is a second highest mountain in the world. Her do it for advertiser a wealthy industrial Elliot Vaught and funded by them. The climbers to K2 are Annie, Vaught, Tom McLaren, and two other climbers. And Peter comes to Annie base camp to see his sister.
Then the climb turns out to be a disaster as the windy conditions begin to wreak havoc among the travelers. Annie, Vaughn, and Tom fall through a patch of ice and become trapped in a cavern. They cannot use radio. And Peter remembers a lesson from his father by Morse then they can contact again. Then Peter has idea by bomb a cavern is covered ice by nitroglycerin. But some nitroglycerines possibly leaky canisters. And explosive in the way to Annie’s located
The climber who take a part to save and rescue victims to decided by three team they are Malcolm and Kareem, Monique and Cyril, and Peter and Wick. They bring two bombs each team. But the bomb explosive and three climbers are died. Only Monique, Peter and Wick are saving.
Annie begins to suffer from Edema. Her conditions weak. She should use Dexter but Vaught banned she and to follow vaught regulation in order to they can survive until rescued come. It make Tom McLaren died beside that Vaught Kill him.
Montgomery Wick participates in rescue mission because he know his wife is died because vaught not give Dexter. So his wife died to suffer edema. Then he want avenge. But in ending when save Annie he died with vaught because he cut rope and fall with Vaught.
At that mission only Monique, Peter, and Annie are save. And all of climber who died who finally pays his respects at a memorial for those killed on K2, including Wick, Kareem, Brothers Cyril and Malcolm, guide Tom McLaren, and Wick's wife.
From that cinema we can learn if want to do some thing we must put a best decision not only for our self but also for everyone. And we cannot to oppose a nature disaster.
It is a good cinema and it enough strained. In this cinema to show many lesson and action which can our take to understand in our life, and it also nice cinema.
2 Responses
  1. Aina Says: google translator dulu....

  2. Cay's Says:

    aina......ogah pake google gak beber juga sekalian belajar

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